Thursday, July 28, 2011


'ello again. Started something a couple of weeks ago and wanted to put it down here.  I usually don't get too excited about business (or anything else lately) but this has my interest.  It's a MLM, multi-level thing.  Yeah I know.  This however has lots for me to like.  It's technology based, the internet and the MLM compensation plan is different from others I've seen.  Never mind the business side, the product is a video conferencing and emailing service.  Basically for $20 a month you can have online conferences, or meetings, with up to 50 people at once.  This obviously isn't for just any ordinary person.  Skype is great for that and it's free.  This would be for people with extended families that like to keep in touch.  My friend lives on the west coast, has family on the east coast and family overseas.  They were Skype users but that meant they could only chat one-on-one.  With this the whole family can get together at once.  Other applications of course are business people for meetings, churches, clubs and organizations.  Anyone that wants to connect with multiple locations.  The down side of this is people that don't see how it would help them.  Then there are those that know the technology and were already using it or planning to use it.  For those it's a no brainer and for 20 bucks they're in.  I am really surprised how many sales people - other MLMs, realtors for example - don't see the value.  And in today's society the phenomenon of the online social network is growing exponentially.  That and the fact that I'm on the 8th level down from the founder of the company, yes 8th from the guy that started it all, makes this the best opportunity I've ever had.  So:

1.  Hugely growing market.
2.  Near top of the food chain.
3.  Inexpensive buy in - $20 a month.

Gotta luv it!

UPDATE:  11/01/2012 - One big scam!  I gave up my account after months of BS from the founder.  I wouldn't be surprised if there is a lawsuit.  

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